Image Captioning (CNN, RNN, LSTM, InceptionV3)

Apologize!!! Due to the limitations of free tier AWS EC2 instance it is not possible to run this large models. We can improve this model by changing the model architecture, and adding more training data. At this level I wanted to showcase my work towards implementation and deployment of Deep Learning model.

These images shows how it runs on Google Colabs with InceptionV3 model. It does a very good job.

Development summary

High-level architecture of the application

Model summary - (Base model: InceptionV3)

BLUE Score
BLUE (weight: 1.0): 0.505570
BLUE (weight: 0.5): 0.263104
BLUE (weight: 0.3): 0.182887
BLUE (weight: 0.25): 0.089559
Layer (type)                Output Shape                 Param #   Connected to                  
input_11 (InputLayer)       [(None, 34)]                 0         []                            
input_10 (InputLayer)       [(None, 2048)]               0         []                            
embedding_4 (Embedding)     (None, 34, 128)              1122048   ['input_11[0][0]']            
dropout_8 (Dropout)         (None, 2048)                 0         ['input_10[0][0]']            
dropout_9 (Dropout)         (None, 34, 128)              0         ['embedding_4[0][0]']         
dense_12 (Dense)            (None, 128)                  262272    ['dropout_8[0][0]']           
lstm_4 (LSTM)               (None, 128)                  131584    ['dropout_9[0][0]']           
add_4 (Add)                 (None, 128)                  0         ['dense_12[0][0]',            
dense_13 (Dense)            (None, 128)                  16512     ['add_4[0][0]']               
dense_14 (Dense)            (None, 8766)                 1130814   ['dense_13[0][0]']            
Total params: 2663230 (10.16 MB)
Trainable params: 2663230 (10.16 MB)
Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 Byte)